I am Cesar Torres, an AI researcher with a strong academic background in computer science,
holding a Master's degree in Soft Computing and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. My
expertise lies in the areas of computer vision, generative AI, and Linux systems. I am
currently a Software Developer at Thermo Fisher Scientific, where I work on the Gene AI
Platform in Tijuana, Mexico. At the same time, I am pursuing a PhD in Machine Learning,
focusing on Generative AI, at the Tijuana Institute of Technology. I am eager to gain
further industry experience and collaborate on new publications in the field.
Previously, I worked as Machine Learning engineer at Samsung Research Tijuana (SRT) were I
worked developing POCs with state of the art models for new products and services in the
areas of Computer Vision and NLP, tailored to edge devices.
If you like to contact me you could do it through my email:
My research focuses on Deep Learning, Computational Imaging, and Multimodal Learning, with
particular emphasis on:
- Large Language Models (LLMs).
- Syntetic Image Generation (GANs and Diffusion Models).
- Multimodal Learning.
- Visual Transformers.
- Fuzzy Systems.
- Self-Hosted Systems.